Pushkinsky Fog Cinema

Fog Cinema proposal for Puskinsky theater in Moscow becomes an atmospheric fog machine during performances
Fog Cinema facade creates an atmospheric fog during performances
Fog Cinema water circulation system diagram for generating facade fog effect during performances at Pushkinsky Theater
Fog Cinema proposal for Puskinsky theater façade diagram showing main structural system and water circulation system.
Fog Cinema proposal for Puskinsky theater façade diagram showing operable flat hexagon glass panels.
Fog Cinema Puskinsky theater front façade rendering view
Fog Cinema proposal for Puskinsky theater façade zoom-in rendering view
Fog Cinema proposal for Puskinsky theater façade view without fog generated.
Fog Cinema proposal for Puskinsky theater façade diagram showing water collection and fog generating systems
  • Title: Pushkinsky Fog Cinema
  • Type: Architecture
  • Area: 5,300 m2 / 57,000 sf
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Date: 2011
  • Status: Shortlisted Finalist

Pushkinsky Fog Cinema

Pushkinsky Cinema is one of the few buildings in Moscow that survived various political regimes and times currently falling into disrepair. To keep visually striking form of the theater intact, the proposal is an experiment in creation of natural phenomena effect through the employment of the theater's facade that acts as an atmospheric fog machine.

Fog Cinema proposes a façade for Pushkinsky Cinema that is veiled by a mystical fog wall, contained by a geometrical glass panels that dynamically change its face throughout day and night. A sensation that is never provided in any cinema house further stimulates the imagination of Muscovites and visitors of Pushkinskaya Square.

The new façade implements a double skin glass wall with two types of hexagrid patterned glass system on the outer skin: operable flat glass and concave glass. The solid side façade would be restored and coated with DuPont™ products and implemented with second layer of hexagrid glass.

The new facade features the ever-changing visual transformations created by the fog system and the natural/artificial lighting conditions. The fog is created within the double-skin façade system with the help of spray nozzles installed throughout the fog wall. Water sources are collected via off-site and from rain water and snow on the rooftop. Collected water is fed through the underground water collection tank, where it is purified and fed through the spray nozzles to create fog. The high pressure water fed throughout the fog system transforms a clear double-skin facade into a mystical sensation temporary concealing Pushkinsky Cinema interior.

Sprayed out water is collected at the base of the fog wall, and is fed back to the water purifying tank. The operable concave glass panels serve as rain and snow collectors, and after collecting certain amount of water they diagonally slide and rotate to feed the collected water within the facade to the base gutter. Some portion of the water, together with purified waste water from the building is used for irrigating the landscape of Pushkinskaya Square.

The operable flat panels open and allow fresh air inside the double skin facade to dry the glass after the fog performance is over.

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